Sunday, 1 January 2012

My last days of 2011

Hello, I hope you had a good Christmas and New year's eve^^

Do you guys make new years resolutions? I know some people find them silly (most people break them after just a few days anyway so what’s the point of making them?) but I promise myself to do/ not to do a lot of things all year around so to me it really doesn’t matter if you call it new years resolution or promise or whatever~

For me this year I want to get better at my time management, I waste way to much time in front of the computer or TV and I feel really bad when I think about all the things I could/ should be doing instead...

I want to do more crafting, especially sewing, looking through my sketchbooks I have ideas that are several years old that I still haven’t made :S

And just in general I want to do more stuff that I haven’t done before or that I have been wanting to do for long. The two most memorable things that happened in 2011 was seeing TVXQ and JYJ, it’s been a dream of mine for so long and to finally be able to see them was absolutely amazing and a memory for life^__^

But now, on to the pictures of my last days of 2011:

 I spent a little extra effort on Christmas wrapping this year, I had to try out those lace decorating ideas

 This year I only made one Christmas card, but I really like how it came out :) 

 I read about bokeh, and had to try it out, I’m getting a little sick of the heartshape though, have to make some other shape soon XD

Our Christmas tree 

I got terribly lazy this year and decided not to have a tree in my room… (I also was a bit worried Lucifer might be climbing all over it) so I just took a few branches and put a ribbon on as you can see in the corner of the picture haha

I’m going to tea dye the white dress, but wanted to wear it before I did anything to it. I want to expand my wardrobe to being more dolly kei, and I love the combination between Lolita and dolly kei~
I'm not that terribly good at combining different patterns though so I'm playing it safe here ^^'

On my way into town to take a look at the sale, didn’t find much on sale but bought some hatboxes and an awesome t-shirt, I have to modify it before I can show it here though ;P

I guess another new years resolution would be to post more frequently here, haha again with the time management~ 

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